Hi my name is Elvia Lopez and I got to be the school principal for a day!!
It was really fun today. I got to do walkthroughs, talk to students, hangout with Mrs. Shipp, and eat with Mrs. Shipp. I learned that being a principal is hard,you have to find friendships to be a great principal, and  you have to learn a bit of technology each day. When your a principal you have to sign papers and use different kinds of technology. 
 When I grow up I want to be a teacher. When I was a principal today I learned that I should stick with being a teacher. Being a teacher is like being a principal I bet because you have to email, sign things, use technology, and find friendships. This is an experience for me because it is showing me how busy you are being a principal and teacher.
Mrs. Shipp
5/15/2013 05:53:25 am

I appreciated your help today, Miss Lopez!! I wish you could be my assistant every day:) I am so happy you have taken this experience as an opportunity to continue your dream to be a teacher!

Mrs. Ruff
5/16/2013 11:23:15 pm

Congratulations Elvia! You did a great job.


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